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Egypt. J. Exp. Biol. (Bot.). 2013; 9(1): 65-74


Abu El-Souod S. Mohamed Mahmoud Y. A. Galele El-Shourbagy M. Sameh El-Badry A. S. Mohamed.


The target of the present study was to evaluate the spreading mycotic infection of human corneal ulcers on the basis of the predisposing factors. Contact lens users and farmers were found to be more susceptible for mycotic keratitis; also immunocompromised male patients aged more than 40 years with rural residence were the most frequent inhabitants of fungal corneal ulcers, during summer, and spring seasons. Aspergillus flavus, and Aspergillus niger were the most common species, isolated from the studied mycotic keratitis cases, mostly causing central corneal lesions in right more than left eyes. On the other hand, out of 595 cases of different types of corneal ulcers, fungi were isolated from 50 cases.

Key words: Epidemiology, fungal keratitis, fungal corneal infections, risk factors, causal fungi of corneal ulcers

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