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Review Article

RMJ. 2024; 49(4): 992-996

Brown seaweed: A treasure trove of bioactive compounds with potential health benefits; A narrative review

Bilal Aheed, Huma Shareef, Abid Ali, Uzma Nasib, Qural-ul-Ain Inam, Muhammad Khalil Khan.


Objective: To explore the nutritional and biochemical composition of brown seaweed with an emphasis on its possible therapeutic applications and health advantages.
Methodology: Relevant literature from scientific databases like PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science, and Google Scholar was gathered and examined using a methodical search approach. Included were English-language articles from the past twenty years that discussed the nutritional and biochemical makeup, bioactivity, and health advantages of brown seaweed.
Results: Numerous bioactive substances found in brown seaweed, such as lectins, carotenoids, flavonoids, polysaccharides, peptides, and phytosterols, have been linked to favorable effects on the body's immune system, inflammation, and cancer. Along with polysaccharides, vitamins, minerals, dietary fiber, omega-3 fatty acids, and essential amino acids, it has a distinct nutritional profile. Fucoxanthin and polysaccharides, two chemicals found in brown seaweed, have been linked to possible health advantages for humans, including weight loss, gut health promotion, and anti-tumor effects.
Conclusion: To maximize the yield of bioactive compounds and maintain sustainability, more research is required to optimize the production and processing methods. When everything is considered, brown seaweed is a remarkable natural resource with substantial health potential and unique nutritional qualities.

Key words: Seaweed, bioactive compounds, brown algae, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory.

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