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IJMDC. 2020; 4(12): 2215-2221

Knowledge and practice of epistaxis first aid among adult population in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

Saeed Mahmoud Mohammad, Abdullah Adel Alsharidah, Mujahed Mohammed Alshehri, Fahad Saeed Al Asim, Amani Shabab Alotaibi, Esra Ali Alghamdi, Ghaida Ali Alghamdi, Saad Awwadh Alnukhaysh, Abdulrahman Mohammed Aljehani, Abdulmajed Abdulrahman Alramih.


Background: Epistaxis is usually considered as a non-fatal medical condition; however, it can lead to life-threatening situation in some rare circumstances. Thus, the study aimed to assess the knowledge and practice of epistaxis first aid among adult population in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia and to explore the relationship between knowledge and practice level with different socio-demographic factors.
Methodology: This was a self-administered questionnaire-based cross-sectional study conducted among general public population of 400 participants, including both males and females in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia during the period of March to August 2020. The questionnaire contained socio-demographic characteristics of the participants and questions about knowledge and practice of epistaxis first aid. A common grading method was used for each variable. Score of 27 and above was considered as good knowledge and practice.
Results: The mean score for the knowledge about epistaxis first-aid management was found to be 28 ± 9.5 points. Overall, 81% of the participants correctly identified the primary step of epistaxis first-aid management. Only 43% of the participants knew the correct duration at which epistaxis should stop. A statistically significant association was found between the level of knowledge about first-aid management of epistaxis and the following: age, gender, nationality, educational level, and occupation (p = 0.000).
Conclusion: The knowledge and practices of the general public population is considered as adequate. Around 78% of the respondents have correctly answered more than 75% of the questionnaire.

Key words: Epistaxis, knowledge, first aid, practice, Saudi Arabia

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