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Original Article

Med Arch. 2015; 69(2): 91-94

Assessment of the Tomographic Values in Keratoconic Eyes After Collagen Crosslinking Procedure

Sanja Sefic Kasumovic, Adisa Racic-Sakovic, Aida Kasumovic, Suzana Pavljasevic, Belkisa Duric-Colic, Emir Cabric, Milka Mavija, Orhan Lepara, Mirko Jankov.


Goal: This study aimed to investigate the differences in values of K1 and K2 readings, the central corneal thickness (PAH ) before the collagen crosslinking procedure (CXL) and 3, 6, 12 months later. Methods: 64 eyes were evaluated in retrospective cross sectional study. The corneal biomechanical parameters were taken with WaveLight Allegro Oculyzer produced by Alcon before the CXL , 3,6, 12 months after the procedure. The curvature of K1 reading and K2 reading were taken and the central corneal thickness were considered due to the time after CXL. Results: The value of K1 reading before the treatment was 48.8 diopters (D) (46.65-50.50) and was statistically significant lower comparing to the value of K1 3 months after the collagen CXL procedure 46.30 D (43.57-49.45) (p=0.0006), K1 reading one year post collagen CXL procedure was 47.20 D (44.35-50.07) (p=0.002). The value of K2 reading before the collagen CXL procedure was 52.65 D (47.55-54.72), 3 months after the procedure was 51.4 (45.05-54.0), 6 months later 48.55 D (47.20-50.62), 12 months later 51.30 D (47.22-54.77). There is statistically significant lower value of K2 reading 6 months after the treatment comparing to the values 3 months postoperatively (p=0.014). However there is significantly lower values of K2 reading 12 months postoperatively comparing to preoperative period (p=0.006). The value of central corneal thickness preoperative was 431.0 microns (398.0-446.25), 3 months after collagen CXL procedure was 373.50 microns (363.25-430.75), 6 months later 435.0 microns (360.0-464.75), 12 months after the CXL procedure was 429.50 microns (357.75-496.25). There is statistically significant lower values of central corneal thickness 3 months after collagen CXL treatment comparing to the central corneal thickness preoperative (p

Key words: keratokonus, collagen crosslinking, riboflavin, ultraviolet irradiation, central corneal thickness, K1, K2 readings

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