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IJMDC. 2024; 8(2): 793-797

The prevalence of phantom pain among limb amputee patients in Saudi Arabia

Azzam Abdulaziz Nawab, Saleh Abdulmoneim Alomary, Naif Saleh Albargan, Abdullah Awwad Alswat, Adel Mansor Almotairi.


This study aimed to assess the prevalence of phantom pain among limb amputee patients in Saudi Arabia, in addition to assess the limb amputee patients’ perception of phantom pain, and to assess limb amputee patients in Saudi Arabia current challenges.
This was a questionnaire-based cross-sectional survey that was conducted between March and July 2023, among the limb amputee patients in Saudi Arabia, aged above 18 years. The study used the snowball sampling technique to recruit the participants. An electronic survey was distributed using social media platforms.
A total of 120 patients participated in this study comprising of 54.2% males, 33.3% aged 36–45 years, and 95.0% Saudis. Diabetes mellitus was the most common reason for amputation among the patients (35.0%). More than half (67.5%) reported of phantom sensation in the extremities, and a similar percentage (65.8%) suffered from phantom pain in the extremities.
Overall, phantom pain is a common issue among amputees, with diabetes mellitus being the most common cause for amputation. Most patients reported having phantom sensation and suffering from phantom pain, especially among patients aged 36-45 years, it was six times higher than the other participants. However, patients with amputation levels below the knee were less likely to suffer from phantom pain.

Key words: Phantom Pain, limb amputee, prevalence, diabetes, Saudi Arabia.

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