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RMJ. 2015; 40(2): 183-186

Retrospective evaluation in spinal cord injuries: a sample at Universty Hospital in Turkey

Filiz Altuğ, Ayşe Ünal, Veli Çıtışlı, Erdoğan Kavlak, Güzin Kara, Uğur Cavlak.


Objective: This study was carried out to evaluation the patients with Spinal Cord Injuries (SCIs) who followed between 2005-2013 years in Pamukkale University Hospital.
Methods: 489 (236 female; 253male) patients with Spinal Cord Injuries (SCIs) were evaluated retrospectively.
Results: Their mean age was 48.20±18.95 years. They had Spinal Cord Injuries caused by trauma 316(64.6%), spinal tumors 119(24.3%) and congenital anomalies 54(11%). Injury levels were recorded as follows: 155(31.7%) in the lumbar level, 144 (29.4%) in the thoracic, 114(23.3%) in the cervical, 35 (7.2%) both thoracic and lumbar spine, 10(2%) both cervical and thoracic and 31(6.3%) in the other levels. While 51.7% were males and 48.3were females.
Conclusions: This results show that the main reason led to Spinal Cord Injuries was trauma. That’s why; education is vital in order prevent to trauma.

Key words: Spinal cord injury, trauma, spinal tumors.

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