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Case Report

RMJ. 2015; 40(2): 244-245

Thymolipoma with paralyzed left hemidiaphragm: A case report

Jamal Alaydi, Mazen Alomary, Ala Qayet, Hani Alhadidi, Fawaz Khammash.


Thymolipoma is a rare disease with unknown etiology, first mentioned on 1948 by Hall.2 We report a case of a 33 year old male patient referred from peripheral hospital to King Hussein Medical Center as a case of dyspnea with left lung collapse. The preoperative diagnosis of benign thymic mass was made by the help of Video Assisted Thoracoscopic biopsy and complete excision was made through thoracotomy incision. The patient recovery was smooth despite a permanent paralysis of the left hemi diaphragm. In this case report we will highlight the clinical presentation, investigations and surgical management of this condition.

Key words: Thoracotomy, collapse, thymolipoma

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