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SETB. 2015; 49(3): 192-9

The effect of postpartum discarge timing of mother-baby couple on bilirubin levels

Derya Girgin, Ali Bülbül, Sinan Uslu, Umut Zübarioğlu, Mesut Dursun, Evrim Kıray Baş, Selda Arslan.


Objective: The purpose of the study is to investigate the effect of discharge time on rehospitalisation of babies with gestational age ≥35 weeks from hyperbilirubinemia.
Material and Method: Between January 2010 to June 2011, all babies included to study who were ≥35 weeks and treated for hyperbilirubinemia in our newborn clinic. Etiology, clinical and laboratory features and given therapies were recorded. Bilirubin levels compared according to postpartum discarge time of mother-baby couple.
Results: Two hundred and twenty two babies who met criteria were assessed. Mostly detected reasons during hyperbilirubinemia etiology investigations were; ABO incompatibility in 66 babies (29,7%), Rh incompatibility in 19 babies (8,6%) and pathologic weight loss in 19 babies (8,5%). There were no etiologic reason found in 90 (40,6%) babies. It was detected that pathologic weight loss had significant effect on total serum bilirubin (TSB) levels (p=0,014). Negative correlation between ABO incompatibility and TSB levels was detected (p

Key words: Newborn, postdischarge time, bilirubin levels

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