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J App Pharm Sci. 2024; 14(9): 189-197

Citric acid-glycerol-based NADES for microwave-assisted extraction enhances the polyphenols level of Eleutherine bulbosa mill. Urb. Bulbs

Islamudin Ahmad, Seliana Oklivia Prazitya Shakti, Wisnu Cahyo Prabowo, Baso Didik Hikmawan, M. Arifuddin, Marissa Angelina, Muhammad Eka Prastya, Tia Okselni, Ratna Surya Alwi, Rifki Sadikin, Iswahyudi Iswahyudi, Lizma Febrina, Herman Herman, Junaidin Junaidin, Muhammad Faisal, Erwin Samsul, Arsyik Ibrahim, Abdul Mun’im.


Natural deep eutectic solvent combined with Microwave-assisted extraction (MAE) is considered as a potential green substitute for conventional extraction methods because of its selectivity and shorter extraction time. Eleutherine bulbosa Mill Urb. (E. bulbosa) bulbs, is renowned for having a high concentration of bioactive substances, primarily phenolics compounds with various therapeutic characteristics. This study aims to increase the level of total phenolics content (TPC) in E. bulbosa bulbs extract by applying a citric acid-glycerol (CA-Gly)-MAE and to optimize its extraction conditions using response surface methodology-based box-behnken design. In this study, we extracted dried samples under various conditions including microwave irradiation time and power, solid–liquid, sample-solvent ratio, and CA-Gly ratio. The measurements of TPC value were done spectrophotometrically and gallic acid was used as standard reference. The recommended optimum conditions were at 50% microwave power for 15 minutes, ratio of 1:14 g/ml, and CA-Gly ratio of 1:1 g/g, resulting in a predicted TPC value of 74.749 ± 3.716 mg GAE/g DW extract. Confirmation experiments were conducted using the recommended optimal extraction parameters, and the obtained TPC value was 84.653 ± 0.918 mg GAE/g DW extract. Our result demonstrates the potential of the CA-Gly-MAE for obtaining a higher yield of polyphenols from E. bulbosa bulbs.

Key words: Citric acid-glycerol; natural deep eutectic solvent; Eleutherine bulbosa Mill. Urb. bulbs; microwave-assisted extraction; total polyphenols content.

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