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Original Article

AJVS. 2016; 48(1): 57-61

Quality Assessment of Frozen Quail in Kafr EL-Sheikh Governorate

Mohamed M. Mousa, Nehad I.E. Salem, Amal. M.A. Khalifa, Hala A.M. Abd-El-Hady, Adel. M. El Gamel.


A total of fifty random samples of frozen quail carcasses (50) were collected from different markets at Kafr El-Sheikh Governorate to be examined either bacteriologically or chemically. The results revealed that the mean values for total psychrotrophic plate, enterobacteriaece and Coliforms counts were 5.1×106±1.1×106,8.6×103±4.2×103and7.2×103±2.9×103cfu/g,respectively. The respective mean values of yeast and mould were 7×104±1.7×104 and 2.2×105±2.7×104 cfu/g .Staph.aureus and E.coli were isolated from 2(4%) and 18(36%) of the examined frozen quail samples while Salmonella failed to be isolated from the examined frozen quail samples. Moreover, the mean values of pH, total volatile nitrogen (TVN) (mg/100gm) and Thiobarbituric acid (TBA) (mg/Kg) were 5.8±0.01, 7.1±0.32 and 0.23±0.01, respectively.
The results were statistically evaluated. The possible sources of quail meat contamination, the Public health importance of the isolated bacteria and the hygienic measures which should be imposed were discussed.

Key words: Assessment, frozen quail, Protein , lipid

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