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RMJ. 2015; 40(2): 174-176

Bowel preparation before X-Ray intravenous urography: Is it necessary?

Amanullah Abbasi, Aurangzaib Siyal, Mohammad Iqbal Soomro.


Object: To compare X-Ray KUB with and without preparation.

Materials and Methods: This study was carried out in the department of Urology and Radiology, Chandka Medical College Hospital, Shaheed Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto Medical Univesity, Larkana, from January 2014 to June 2014. We compared 384 x-ray KUB with and without preparation. All X-ray were read by one Radiologist who graded x-ray KUB as better, worse or no difference comparing with control x-ray that has been chosen as standard x-ray.

Results: In this comparative study from total of 384 x-ray KUB, 192 (50.0%) x-ray taken with preparation. 43 (22.3%), were better, 99 (51.5%) worse and 50 (26.0%) no difference was found when compared with control (standard) x-ray.
Among 192 x-ray KUB taken without preparation 41 (21.3%) were better, 99 (51.5%) worse and 52 (27.0%) no difference was found in comparison to control x-ray KUB.

Conclusion: Comparing X-Ray KUB with and without preparation there was no statistically difference observed.

Key words: X-Ray Intravenous urography, bowel preparation.

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