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J App Pharm Sci. 2015; 5(4): 033-039

Terpenoids and Sterols from Hoya multiflora Blume

Virgilio Ebajo Junior, Chien-Chang Shen, Consolacion Y. Ragasa.


Chemical investigation of the dichloromethane extracts of Hoya multiflora Blume led to the isolation of lupeol (1a), α-amyrin (1b), β-amyrin (1c), lupeol acetate (2a), α-amyrin acetate (2b), and β-amyrin acetate (2c) from the stems; and 1b, bauerenol (3), squalene (4), lutein (5), β-sitosterol (6a), and stigmasterol (6b)from the leaves. The structures of 1-6 were identified by comparison of their 1H and/or13C NMR data with those reported in the literature.

Key words: Hoya multiflora Blume, Apocynaceae, bauerenol, lupeol, lupeol acetate, α-amyrin, α-amyrin acetate, β-amyrin, β-amyrin acetate, squalene, lutein, β-sitosterol, stigmasterol

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