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RMJ. 2012; 37(3): 247-249

Comparison between specific Piriformis with global stretching in neurogenic low back pain

Syed Shakil ur-Rehman, Asghar Khan, Arshad Nawaz Malik, khalid Farooq Danish, Fozia Sibtain.


Study Objective: To compare the relief of pain obtained in patients with neurogenic low back pain with specific piriformis stretch and with global stretching.
Study Design: Randomized Control Trail (RCT)
Place and Duration of study: Department of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation IIMCT Pakistan Railways General Hospital Rawalpindi, from March 2011 to January 2012
Methodology: 38 patients were selected from the out-patient physical therapy and rehabilitation department IIMCT Pakistan railways general hospital Rawalpindi, 21 male and 17 were female and randomly placed into two groups, in group A 20 patients, 11 male and 9 female with age range 28-68 and mean age 42.95 years, in group B 18 patients were included, 10 male and 8 female, age range 32-63 and average age 46.66 years. The specific Piriformis stretching technique were applied in group A and global stretching was applied to patients in group B. the pain intensity was used as an assessment tool and measured by Visual Analog Scale (VAS) on 0-10 scale and recorded before the starting of the treatment and after completion of the 2 weeks treatment period. The data were analyzed by SPSS-14 version and t test was applied to determine the p value and the level of significance was 95%.
Result: The P value calculated for Group A, the specific Piriformis stretching group was (p

Key words: Neurogenic lower back pain, specific Piriformis stretching, global lower back muscles stretching

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