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Hepatoprotective and Pancreatoprotective Properties of the Ethanolic Extract of Nigerian Propolis

Ridwan Babatunde Ibrahim, Abdulbasit Amin, Ibrahim Oladayo Mustafa, Ismail Olasile Onanuga, Roehan Olamide Folarin, Wasiu Gbolahan Balogun.


Objective: Increased oxidative stress is associated with the progression of diabetic mellitus. In the present study, we investigated the effects of the ethanolic extract of Nigerian propolis (N. propolis) on markers of oxidative stress, histology of the liver and pancreas and glycaemia in alloxan-induced diabetic rats.
Materials and Methods: Alloxan-induced hyperglycaemic Wistar rats were treated with either metformin (150mg/kg/d) or N. propolis (200mg/kg/d & 300mg/kg/d)) for 28 days. At the end of treatment period, the rats were sacrificed; blood was collected for biochemical analysis while their pancreases and liver were excised and processed for histological studies.
Results: Serum oxidative stress markers and blood glucose concentration were compared between the treated and control rats. In contrast to the non-treated diabetic rats, blood glucose concentration were not significantly different between treated rats and control (P

Key words: liver, pancreas, histology, oxidative stress, lipid profile

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