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Review Article

The Importance of Medical Decision Making in the Physician's Practice

Nabil Naser, Zlatan Masic, Lejla Zunic.


Background: Everyday, doctors and individuals in the field of healthcare must make calculated decisions which have important consequences, impacting patients on the individual level, and communities and nations on a more global level. Healthcare professionals must at times make these choices with limited information, resources, and knowledge, and yet is is expected that these decisions are highly calculated and accurate. Objective: The aim of this study was to describe and explaine the importance of medical decision making in physician's practice. Methods: It is cross-sectional study based on reviewing of apropriate scientific literaure stored in scientific databases like PubMed Central Scopus, Embase, Hinary, etc, Results and Discussion: Medical decision making certainly be continuously exposed to it, which is the reason why it could not be of more important. The intricate aspects of medical decision making has been discussed in this article. A decision is a choice varying between several different courses of action that may be pursued. Each decision comes as a result of complex processes which provide two or more options providing results, as well as intro and retrospection, and examination or perspective into the future. As is in everyday life, the principles of decision making are present in medicine as well. In the world of biomedicine, decisions may rely on the available systems of information provided to the decision maker through medical documentation. Additionally, it may ease and expedite the process of medical decision making, a luxury which was not always present for physicians. Conclusion: Medical decision making is highly important to doctors and patients alike, as well as the broader population. Medical decisions are vital - to medical professionals, patients and society. They are difficult, and may provide positive outcomes, or poor complications. They test doctors maximally, and provide insight into the effectiveness of doctors. And finally, from the presented strategy, we can conclude that the mathematical models provides support in diagnosis and therapeutic selection in patients with heart damage by cardiovascular diseases and its helped to pysician, as decision maker, to decide which and when appropriate decision will be used. In health care, shared decision-making is increasingly embraced and recommended. It is important to involve patients in health care decisions, to communicate with them, and to provide patient-centered care, however formal models and evaluations in cardiovascular care are still in their infancy.

Key words: Medical Decision Making, Decision makers, Decisions, Cardiovascular diseases.

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