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Case Report

IJMDC. 2023; 7(12): 2013-2016

Androgenetic Alopecia Treated With Topical Minoxidil. A Case Report and Review of Treatment Options

Sattam A. Alzahrani, Khalid R. Alabdulwahab, Abdullah A. Alkharashi, Abdulaziz M. Aljuhni, Norah Y. Alqahtani.


Androgenetic alopecia is a progressive hair loss and persistent in nature that affects the scalp region, and it is one of the most commonly encountered complain in dermatology. Nearly 58 % of males between 30s-50s are affected with androgenic alopecia.
Case Presentation:
A 28 years old male medically free complaining of frontal and vertex progressive hair loss for the last 4 months. After obtaining detailed history and physical exam, the diagnosis of Androgenetic alopecia was established clinically. The patient was advised to start on Minoxidil solution 5% two puffs daily for at least 2 months. The patient experienced improvement after four months of treatment.
Minoxidil considered a good initial options for patient who show good compliance. Short period results can be obtained using topical Minoxidil in a compliment patients.

Key words: Keywords: androgenetic alopecia; minoxidil; baldness; hair loss

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