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JJCIT. 2024; 10(1): 58-73

A Koch Fractal Octagonal Antenna with a Compact Design and Defected Ground Structure (DGS) for Ultra-Wideband (UWB) Wireless Usage.



This paper introduces a Koch fractal octagonal antenna designed for the Ultrawideband (UWB) Frequency
range. The utilization of the Koch fractal in the antenna design contributes to size reduction as well as
provides compactness in the antenna for UWB. Additionally, it has been noted that the Koch fractal offers
wideband operation. The antenna employs copper as the conductor material, and Flame Retardant-4 (FR4) serves as the substrate. The substrate has a dielectric constant ϵr=4.4, a loss tangent tanδ=0.02, and a
thickness (h) of 1.6 mm. The overall antenna’s dimensions are 34.3 × 26.5 × 1.6 or electrical dimensions
represent as 0.68λ0 × 0.53λ0 × 0.032λ0 . It achieves a maximum gain of 8.94 dBi at a frequency of 12.25
GHz, offering a broad bandwidth ranging from 2 GHz to 12.1 GHz.This antenna exhibits resonance at
three distinct frequencies, namely 3.3 GHz, 6 GHz, and 8.6 GHz, making it highly efficient with an overall
efficiency of 96.8%. The time domain characteristic is acceptable for UWB, group delay is 1.1 ns, the
The proposed antenna has a high-fidelity factor of 90.2, and the correlation coefficient is 0.9. which makes the
antenna a good candidate for UWB. Due to its performance characteristics, this proposed antenna is well suited for short-range wireless personal area networks (WPANs), supporting high-data-rate applications
like Bluetooth and wireless USB and Wireless Body Area Network (WBAN) applications. Its proficiency
also extends to industrial settings, where it helps with precision in control systems, asset tracking, and
short-range sensing and radar systems.

Key words: Koch Fractal geometry, UWB, DGS, Group Delay, Correlation Coefficient, Fidelity-Factor, Octagonal, WBAN, WPAN

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