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AAM. 2023; 12(4): 368-381

“Shatapaki Balashwagandhadi Taila” – A 4-Week Open Single Arm Clinical Study In Janu Sandhigata Vata (Knee osteoarthritis).

Hemant Shridhar Paradkar,Pradnya Jadhav,Subodh Pal,Anaya A Pathrikar,Nitin M Kamat.


Background: Ayurveda is known for its management of chronic diseases like Rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, psoriasis, etc. Osteoarthritis is one such disease that gradually develops over the years and lately affects the daily activity of humans. It is a degenerative disease that mainly affects weight-bearing joints like hip joints, knee joints, etc. It mostly affects the 40s, but now we can see it in early ages. Changing lifestyle, and improper food habits are the major reasons behind this. Osteoarthritis can be correlated with Sandhigata vata described in Ayurveda. Ayurveda proves to be very effective in managing Sandhigata vata (Osteoarthritis). According to Ayurveda Taila is the best Shamana medicine for Vata dosha. These oils when fortified 100 or 1000 times are found to be more efficient as said by Charak. Hence a study was carried out to check the effectiveness of Siddha taila in the management of Janu sandhigata vata. Objective: To study the effect of Shatpaki Balaswagandadi taila (SBAT) described by Sahastrayog in the patients of Janu Sandhigat vata. Material and Methods: This prospective open, randomized, uncontrolled clinical study was conducted at Seth R.V. Ayurvedic Hospital, Sion, Mumbai. 30 Patients having classical signs and symptoms of Janu sandhigata vata according to Ayurveda and Osteoarthritis according to modern science were selected by convenient sampling method. For the study, Gel Capsules of SBAT, 300 mg each were prepared. It was administered at the dose of 600 mg twice daily orally after meal with Anupana of Koshna jala. The duration of treatment was 30 days. Follow-up was taken on the 7th, 14th, 21st and 30th day. The study outcome included a gradation scale for classical Signs and symptoms of Sandhigata vata, VAS score, Womac score, Flexion and extension goniometric scale, and swelling. Statistical analysis was performed using appropriate statistical tests. Results: Out of 30 patients treated, 9 (30%) got excellent results, 12 (40%) got Good results, and 8 (26.67%) got Moderate results. One patient remained unimproved. There is extremely significant improvement seen in all classical symptoms of Janu sandhigat vata (p < 0.0001). The VAS score, Womac, Extension goniometric scale of the right and left knee, and The flexion goniometric scale showed statistically significant changes. Conclusion: The data showed that Shatapaki Balaswagandhadi taila (SBAT) Gel capsules showed significant relief in classical signs and symptoms and modern parameters of Janu sandhigat vata.

Key words: Osteoarthritis; Sandhigata vata; Shatapaki; Balashwagandhadi taila; Nirupastambhit

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