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Knowledge, attitude, and practices toward pharmacovigilance among undergraduate medical students in a South Indian tertiary care hospital

Narasimha Rao A P, Lakshmi S, Vurimi Bhopal Chandra, Anjani Devi Nelavala.


Background: The adequate knowledge, attitude, and practice (KAP) of pharmacovigilance and adverse drug reactions (ADRs) reporting is essential for undergraduate medical students.

Aims and Objectives: The study aimed to analyze KAPs toward pharmacovigilance among undergraduate medical students in a South Indian Tertiary Care Hospital.

Materials and Methods: This cross-sectional, KAP questionnaire-based study was conducted among Phase II onward undergraduate medical students. Phase I students were excluded because pharmacovigilance is included in the Phase II curriculum and clinical postings are not part of the Phase I curriculum. The KAP questionnaire was designed to assess participants’ knowledge of pharmacovigilance, attitudes toward pharmacovigilance, and ADR reporting practices. Responses were analyzed question-by-question, and percentages were calculated using Microsoft Excel software.

Results: This study found that undergraduate medical students had an average knowledge score of 66.64% on pharmacovigilance. In addition, 91.18% of students agreed that reporting ADRs is necessary, 86.76% believe that reporting ADRs should be compulsory for all health-care professionals, and 92.65% of students are willing to implement ADR reporting in their practice. However, only 15.44% of students have reported an ADR during their clinical postings, and only 33.82% of students have been trained on ADR reporting.

Conclusion: This study found that undergraduate medical students have a good knowledge and a positive attitude towards pharmacovigilance but lack practice in reporting ADRs. Pharmacovigilance aims to ensure patient safety and the rational use of medicines.

Key words: Knowledge; Attitude; Practices; Pharmacovigilance

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