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Botulinum toxin-A in the treatment of upper facial wrinkles: efficacy comparison of different formulations

Hüray HÜGÜL,Elif Cansel GÜMÜŞ,Zekayi KUTLUBAY.


Objective: It is suggested that different formulations of botulinum toxin-A (BoNT-A) used for the same indication might be a factor affecting patient satisfaction. This study aimed to assess patient satisfaction levels in treating upper facial wrinkles (UFW) using various BoNT-A formulations and their association with age and gender.
Materials and Methods: This retrospective study included 600 UFW patients treated with different formulations of BoNT-A. The BoNT-A formulations included three different groups: onaBoNT-A (ONA, n:200), aboBoNT-A (ABO, n:200), and praBoNT-A (PRA, n:200).In the patient files or records, satisfaction levels from the BoNT-A application were scored as follows: 1: not satisfied, 2: slightly satisfied, 3: satisfied, 4: very satisfied, 5: completely satisfied.
Results: The mean patient satisfaction scores were similar in the ONA and ABO groups, but higher in the PRA group (4.4±0.5 vs. 4.3±0.6 vs. 4.0±0.9, P 60 were lower than the other age groups. Among all patients in the 41-50 age range, the patient satisfaction score was higher in the ONA group than the ABO and PRA group. In all female patients, the mean satisfaction score was lower in the PRA group compared to the ONA and ABO groups (P

Key words: botulinum toxin; dermatology; facial wrinkles; patient satisfaction

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