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Review Article

IJMDC. 2023; 7(2): 333-340

Preparedness and response of the public toward future pandemics in Al-Qassim, Saudi Arabia

Sulaman Saud Almesned, Abdulmonem Ali Alsalhi, Mohammed Abdullah Albesher, Abdulaziz Awadh Alrashdi, Hanee Mateg Alrashidi, Rayyan Abdullah Albebi, Khalid Nafea Alharbi, Mohammed Abdulaziz Binswelim, Sulaiman Saleh Alkhuzayyim, Abdulraheem Shujaa Almutairi.


Background: It has been a short time since the last wave of the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic began. The deaths were approximately 6.55M out of 618M confirmed cases. Although future pandemics are inevitable, specific measures could reduce these risks. This study is the first of its kind conducted on this topic in Saudi Arabia aimed at assessing the preparedness and response of the public toward future pandemics in the Qassim region.
Methods: An analytical, cross-sectional study was conducted using a pre-validated questionnaire involving 1,200 individuals in the Qassim region, Saudi Arabia. The questionnaire was distributed among the general population in public places. Data entry and statistical analyses were performed using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences software.
Results: The results show that people suffered emotionally, psychologically, and economically during the pandemic. A large number of people have tested positive for COVID. They were not ready to stay in lockdown during any future pandemic as they had not yet recovered from the previous economic loss.
Conclusion: This survey is a valuable tool for policymakers in public health. This study can help to strengthen the weaknesses of health centers and provide better facilities for people during future pandemics.

Key words: Pandemic, general public, COVID-19.

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