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IJMDC. 2023; 7(12): 1837-1842

Level of knowledge and confidence in interpretation of cone beam CT images among senior dental students and interns from College of Dentistry in Taibah University: a cross-sectional study

Muhannad M. Kaaki, Ahmad A. Othman, Rayan Meer, Mahir A. Mirah, Ahmed Alsaaedi, Mayan Othman, Anas M. Alsaaedi, Muath Alassaf, Arwa Bafail, Mahmoud Alsulimani, Ahmad Qazali, Ismail Abdouh.


Background: This study aims to assess the knowledge, confidence, and ability of senior dental students and interns to understand and interpret CBCT images at Taibah University, College of Dentistry, Al-Madinah Al Munawara, Saudi Arabia.

Methodology: A cross-sectional descriptive observational study was conducted using an online-based self-administrated questionnaire consisting of 31 close-ended questions. It was divided into four sections dealing with demographic data, awareness and perception of CBCT, knowledge and attitude towards the CBCT, and level of interpretation and understanding of CBCT images.

Results: The study group comprised 79 participants. Most participants were males and dental interns, 55.7% and 51.9%, respectively. 73.4% recommended using CBCT; however, 89.9% need guidance for its Implementation. The responses highlighted low to moderate levels of knowledge and usefulness about CBCT and its importance in dentistry. However, 30.4% recommend using CBCT, while only 39.2% feel confident interpreting CBCT images.

Conclusion: The present study revealed a need to enhance the awareness and knowledge of CBCT applications in the dental field among dental students and interns. Proper diagnosis of oral health-related diseases and employment of detailed diagnostic tools such as CBCT is essential for better treatment outcomes and could influence good prognosis. Hence, further efforts should be made to increase the knowledge and awareness of CBCT modalities and their interpretations.

Key words: CBCT, knowledge, confidence, dental students, Saudi Arabia

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