Hot mix asphalt is expected to perform satisfactorily during its service life. Increase in volume of traffic, increase in axle loads and variations in daily and seasonal temperature mitigates the serviceability of pavement. There is need to design asphalt mixture to meet these challenges with superior performing materials that are cheaper and sustainable. Effect of Pulverized Burnt Brick (PBB) Brick on hot mix asphalt was investigated. Laboratory test was done on the constituent material of hot mix asphalt in accordance with relevant specification of the American Society for Testing Materials and the British Standard specifications and results obtained were within the acceptable limits specified by Federal Ministry of Works and Housing.. Marshall Method of mix design was used in preparing and evaluating the strength properties of the mixture. Granite dust was partially replaced with pulverized burnt brick from 0 – 50% at 10% interval. Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM), Analysis of Variance and regression analysis was done. The Marshall Stability results showed that a 15% increase was recorded, from 10.44kN (control) to 12kN (Modified). The flow also reduced from 4.15mm (control) to 3mm (Modified). Other properties of the hot mix asphalt showed an improvement. The Scanning Electron Microscope investigation showed a reduced void space between aggregates and proper coating of bitumen film around the aggregate
Key words: Pulverized Burnt Brick, Hot Mix Asphalt, Granite Dust, Marshall Stability, Mineral Filler.