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Case Report

EJMCR. 2024; 8(4): 64-67

Osteitis of the Elbow: A Case Report

El alami Reda, Moudoud Youness, Berrada Mohamed Saleh, Kharmaz Mohamed, Lamrani Moulay Omar, Bassir Ridallah, Boufettal Moncef, EL Mekkaoui Jalal, Fekhaoui Mohamed Reda.


Background: Osteomyelitis of the elbow is a rare but potentially serious inflammatory condition affecting the elbow joint. The condition is characterized by infection of the bone and surrounding tissue, usually caused by pathogenic bacteria. Although less frequent than osteomyelitis seen in other parts of the body, such as the hips or knees, elbow osteomyelitis requires special attention due to its complex localization and the diagnostic challenges it presents.
Case Presentation: We will discuss the case of a 46-year-old patient who presented with an osteosynthesis-treated olecranon fracture and poor follow-up, who subsequently presented to the emergency department with osteomyelitis of the elbow.
Conclusion: Elbow osteomyelitis is a complex and potentially devastating condition requiring a multidisciplinary clinical approach and early management. In light of the case study presented and the review of existing literature, several important conclusions can be drawn to improve the management of this condition.

Key words: Elbow osteomyelitis, osteomyelitis, soft tissue infection, elbow surgery, elbow prosthesis.

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