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Research Article

EEO. 2020; 19(4): 8393-8398

The Role, Concept And Work Of Civil Society (Cso) In India: An Analysis

Dr.N Raju Naik.


The term ‘civil society’ can be traced back to the works of traditional Greek and Roman philosophers like Aristotle and Cicero. As a matter of fact, Aristotle is credited with the very first practice of the term. The term, which at that period of time was taken, as synonymous to political institution, has developed a completely opposite meaning in today’s discourse and is referred to, as an independent body, distinct from the state. The modern idea of civil society saw its genesis in the Scottish and Continental enlightenment era of the late eighteenth century. An idea of civil society being parallel but distinct from the state was developed by the political theorists’ right from Thomas Paine to George Hegel . According to them, civil society was a domain, where involvement of citizens takes place in agreement with their interests, desires, and wishes. Reflections of this changed school of thought could be seen in the changed economic realities like rise of bourgeois, private properties, and market competition.

Key words: Civil, Society, properties, competition, economic, association, role etc. CONCEPT OF CIVIL SOCIETY:--

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