We report concurrent acariosis, helminthosis and foreign body rumen impaction of multiple aetiologies in a 5-month-old Yankasa ewe from a multispecies flock on semi-intensive management system. The clinical findings were tachycardia, hypothermia, bradypnea, diarrhoea, emaciation, lethargy, pale mucous membranes, and heavy tick infestation attached to the skin of the forelimb, hind limb, inguinal region, and the ears. Severe non-regenerative anaemia, marked neutrophilia and lymphocytopenia characterized the blood picture. The ewe was treated for endo and ectoparasites, along with fluid therapy. However, the ewe died in the course of treatment and the carcass was subsequently presented for necropsy. Gross findings included the presence of numerous ticks attached to the skin of the outer ears and interdigits, indigestible foreign materials in the rumen and numerous worms in the rumen, abomasum and the intestine. Laboratory analysis revealed that the ticks were Rhipicephalus sp. and Amblyomma sp. The rumen worms were identified as Paramphistomum sp., the worms from the abomasum were identified as Haemonchus contortus, and those of the intestine were identified as Moniezia expansa. Histopathologically, there was hypertrophy of the chief cells of the abomasum. There was a section of Haemonchus contortus surrounded by eosinophils within the mucosa of the abomasum. The villi of the intestine sloughed-off into the lumen. Based on the clinicopathological findings, the diagnoses of acariosis, helminthosis and foreign body rumen impaction were arrived at. The remaining animals in the herd were treated accordingly and the farmer was advised to ensure good farm management practices.
Key words: Acariosis; Helminthosis; Pathology; Rumen impaction; Yankasa Ewe