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Biochemical and histopathological alterations of liver and kidney of Japanese quails due to lead toxicity and effects of vitamin C

abu hassan, toheder Rahaman, najmul hassan parvez, Khadija al Ferdous, sumon sarkar.


Lead (Pb) is the most dangerous xenobiotic causing variety of negative impacts on human and animal health.The current study intended to investigate the effect of different doses of Pb on biochemical and histological abnormalities in the kidney and liver of quail and the beneficial effects of vitamin C. A total of 72 male quail, aged 12 days were allotted in four groups with four replications. Control group (T0) received normal diet, group T1 and T2 received Pb at a dose of 70 mg and 700 mg/kg body weight (bw) respectively for 21 days, while T3 had 700 mg Pb /kg bw for 10 days followed by only vitamin C supplementation at a dose of 70 mg/kg bw without any Pb for next 10 days. After end of treatment, blood serum was collected, and the kidney and liver were taken for a histoarchitecture study. Significant (p

Key words: Vitamin C, lead, liver, kidney, biochemical, quail

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