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Original Article

AJVS. 2014; 42(1): 90-98

Evaluation of Pinhole Castration Technique Compared With Traditional Method For Castration In Dogs

Ramadan E. Abd-el wahed, Ahmed S. Korritum, Howaida M. Abu-ahmed, Asmaa A. Samy.


Castration is the most common routine surgical procedure in animals.The present investigation aimed to compare between two techniques of surgical castration (prescrotal and pinhole) in dogs. The study was performed on nine clinically healthy dogs weighing 30-40 kg and aged from 1-2 years, these animals were divided into three groups (prescrotal, bilateral pinhole and unilateral pinhole) and each group consists of three animals. Castration was done under the effect of xylazine –ketamine anaesthesia. Intra-operative and post-operative complications together with cortisol concentration and histopathological examination were reported. The result of this study revealed that no major intra and post-operative complications were observed in prescrotal technique. Healing score is better in prescrotal than pinhole technique while cortisol level was significantly higher in pinhole technique. It was concluded that prescrotal castration technique proved advantageous than pinhole one as it was less painful, simple and effective for male dog sterilization.

Key words: Keyword: pinhole, castration, prescrotal, dogs, cortisol estimation.

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