As part of the effort to enrich the nuclear data library and combat the challenge of the scarcity of data, EXIFON 2.0 code has been used to evaluate the (n, p) of 54,56Fe, 55Mn, 58,60Ni, 27Al, 50Cr, and 239Pu. Results of the evaluated excitation functions obtained with the EXIFON code were compared with the ENDF data retrieved from IAEA Nuclear Data section of the ENDF data library. Some of the evaluated excitation functions agreed well with the ENDF data, while some show some degree of variance. The good agreement was obtained for nuclides with EVEN-EVEN nuclei. The overall percentage deviation of total cross section from ENDF values obtained is less than 1% for, 50Cr, 56,54Fe, 55Mn, 60Ni, 27Al and 239Pu except for 58Ni which is 4% while this work records an overall average percentage deviation of 0.5% . However, the results show good agreement with available retrieved data and hence can be used where data is scarce or grossly inadequate.
Key words: Nuclear reaction cross-section, Neutron-induced reaction, nuclear data, EXIFON code