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The contribution of the palmaris longus muscle to the grip strengthÖzkan Köse, Oktay Adanır, Murat Oto, Mustafa Kürklü, Mahmut Kömürcü. Abstract | | | | Abstract
Objectives: Palmaris longus (PL) is frequently used as a donor tendon in various wrist, hand and reconstructive surgery. It is believed that PL is a dispensable muscle that can be harvested without producing any func- tional loss at the donor hand. The purpose of this study is to compare the grip strength between normal subjects having the tendon and lacking it.
Methods: Three hundred thirty three male subjects between 18 and 25 years of age were assessed for the presence of the PL tendon and grip strength was measured with a calibrated hydraulic hand dynamometer. Both dominant and non-dominant hands were divided into two groups according to the absence of PL tendon and grip strength was compared between groups.
Results: The mean grip strength in dominant extremities lacking PL was 45.27±6.21 kg and having PL was 45.40±7.07 kg (p=0.899). The mean grip strength in non-dominant extremities lacking PL was 41.04±6.39 kg and having PL was 40.79±6.33 kg (p=0.782).
Conclusion: Results of this study showed that grip strength is similar whether the subject has or does not have a PL. Patients may be informed that harvesting their PL tendon would not affect the functions of their hands.
Key words: Grip strength, palmaris longus