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Original Research

NJE. 2024; 31(1): 16-20


Yusuf Babatunde LAWAL ,Mobolaji Aduramo SODUNKE,Tiekuro EDE.


Pure Sine Wave (PSW) inverters offer safe and efficient AC power supply from batteries. This is fast replacing AC power derived from dynamos and alternators through electromagnetic induction due to its ease of recharging, non-mechanical feature, portability, mobility, cost effectiveness among others. One of the major limitations of power inverters is the need for battery recharge in order to sustain output power. This research studies the variation of discharge period of fully charged inverter battery due to various types of AC loads and their power consumption. A 2KVA PSW inverter powered with 24V DC/60AH deep cycle battery which produced an output of 220V AC at 50 Hz was employed for this study. The inverter was loaded with 60W Incandescent bulb and later with 150Watt Fan in order to study and analyse the variation in the draining rate and discharge period. Analysis of results show that the Fan consumes energy at a higher rate than the bulb. Although the Fan has higher power rating, the inductive reactance of the Fan coil also have great influence on the inverter battery draining rate. The observatory data obtained were used to model equations for estimation of instantaneous terminal voltage for each of the loads. The equations have co-efficient of determination r2 close to unity, hence they are recommended for science, engineering and other purposes.

Key words: PSW, Electromagnetic Induction, Deep Cycle, Incandescent Bulb, Inductive Reactance, Terminal Voltage

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