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Research Article

JJEE. 2024; 10(2): 240-252

Load Frequency Control and Optimization of Load Allocation for Multi-Area Power System with Electric Vehicle Charging Load

Najmuddin M. Jamadar, Suhani Jamadar, H. T. Jadhav.


The integration of electric vehicles (EVs) into power systems has introduced new challenges for load frequency control due to the additional charging load they impose. This research article investigates the design and analysis of automatic load frequency control in a two-area power system, considering the presence of EV charging load. The study employs Artificial Neural Network (ANN) based PI control to manage both traditional load demand and the dynamic charging requirements of EVs. Maintaining a stable power system frequency and balancing generation with the EV charging load have become crucial tasks. Automatic Generation Control (AGC) or Load Frequency Control (LFC) systems need to adapt and account for the variability and uncertainty associated with EV charging patterns. The integration of ANN-based PI control provides an intelligent and adaptive approach to address these challenges. Using MATLAB, a power system model is simulated to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed control scheme. This investigation conducts a comparative analysis of the system's frequency responses under various scenarios, including different EV charging load profiles. It highlights the benefits and challenges of utilizing ANN-based PI control to manage the combined load of traditional demand and EV charging. Moreover, the load distribution among the distribution stations varied from 0.08% to 12.50% when compared between particle swarm optimization and genetic algorithm, respectively. By considering the dynamic interaction between power system operation and EV charging, this research aims to enhance the reliability, efficiency and sustainability of power systems in the context of evolving transportation trends and the increasing electrification of vehicles.

Key words: Load frequency control; Electric vehicles charging load; Optimization; Load allocation; Two-area power system.

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