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Short Communication

Sokoto J. Vet. Sci.. 2023; 21(4): 222-225

Awareness and management practices against rabies among dog owners in livestock farming communities, Plateau State: A preliminary report

MP Olabode, UA Rayyanu, LE Logyang, H Haliru, D Bwala & MB Bolajoko.


Rabies remains a significant public health concern, especially in endemic regions like Africa and Asia, with likely underreported cases. Primarily transmitted through dog bites, rabies poses a substantial risk in Nigeria, where dogs are the main carriers. This study investigated rabies awareness and control practices among dog owners in Plateau State, Nigeria. Through structured questionnaire interviews with 50 respondents from five Local Government Areas, data revealed that (78%) were aware of rabies, but few recognized its severity. Only (46%) knew about rabies vaccination, and merely (16%) sought clinical assistance post-dog bite. Despite relatively high awareness, gaps exist in understanding susceptible hosts, proper management, prevention, and health-seeking behaviours. Findings underscore the necessity of bolstering awareness and management, including vaccinations, to encourage effective rabies control measures among vulnerable populations within communities and nationwide.

Key words: Awareness, Dog Owners, Livestock, Management practices, Plateau state, Rabies.

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