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Case Report

IJMDC. 2023; 7(12): 2000-2002

Lymphoplasmacytic lymphoma with anemia and lymphadenopathy: a case report

Hala Mohammed Ali Yousif, Mohammed Alshareef, Hamzah Almaghrabi, Wisam Fatani, Rahaf Alsayed, Afnan Alharbi, Faisal Almalki, Walaa Borhan, Moath Altwaijry.


Background: An uncommon, indolent mature B-cell lymphoma called lymphoplasmacytic lymphoma (LPL) secretes monoclonal immunoglobulin M (IgM) protein in 90%-95% of cases. Non-IgM monoclonal proteins are secreted by a very tiny percentage of LPL. Patient Concerns: 67-year-old Chadi female, who was admitted to our hospital with a history of altered level of consciousness, decreased oral intake for 2 days, headache, fatigue, and palpitation for 3 years.
Case Presentation: According to the histology and immunohistochemistry of the lymph node excisional biopsy, the patient was diagnosed with malignant lymphoma consistent with LPL or Waldenstrom macroglobulinemia. Due to the high expense, the patient refused target therapy and chemotherapy in favor of merely receiving occasional transfusions as supportive care. The patient is pursuing supportive care and elective hospitalizations.
Conclusion: LPL is an extremely uncommon, sluggish illness. To further understand the clinical consequences, more research involving more patients is necessary.

Key words: Lymphoma; Anemia; Lymphadenopathy.

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