Humans on this planet primarily use language to express themselves, communicate, and lead fulfilling lives. Presently, other than one’s mother tongue, English has become an unavoidable component of modern life and it needs to be learnt and developed especially in children at an early age in order to prepare them for their future competitive world in which English rules their academic and professional lives. In fact, a strong proficiency in this language will undoubtedly help them create an admirable niche for themselves. Researchers and educators have created a range of tactics and approaches for language development, particularly in English, with this objective in mind. Language games are regarded as one of the most effective teaching tools, particularly for young students, to enhance the development of their verbal competence. These give children the chance to pick up a new language, grammar rules, structures, and concepts. By forcing children to speak, listen, and write, these games teach them how to communicate with others. These activities give them the chance to improve their verbal communication abilities and verbal self-expression. These require the use of one's imagination and ingenuity to come up with new phrases, idioms, and stories, as well as critical thinking abilities.
This paper is a modest attempt to demonstrate first the importance of the English Language and the role of language games as an effective tool in giving children, especially of primary standards, a solid foundation in the English language.
Key words: Language, games, children, English, competence & proficiency.