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Original Research

JCBPR. 2023; 12(3): 279-286


Şerif Bora NAZLI,Esengül EKİCİ,Fatih YIĞMAN.


There are few studies in the literature examining the role of early maladaptive schemas (EMS) in OCD. In addition, to the best of our knowledge, there is no study examining OCD in terms of schema domains and the scope of schema theory. Our study, in which and the relationship between OCD sub-dimensions and EMS was examined, was planned to contribute to the literature in conceptualizing OCD according to the schema model. 60 OCD patients and 111 healthy volunteers were included in the study and sociodemographic form, Young Schema Scale Short Form-3 and Obsessive Compulsive Inventory-Revised (OCI-R) scales were applied. Considering the hypothesis that each psychopathology exhibits unique schema activations, increasing number of prospective studies examining OCD and its subtypes and early maladaptive schemas and schema domains will contribute to the literature in this field. Although the common denominator of the studies conducted is that certain EMSs are active in OCD, our study stands out in terms of examining subtypes and schema domain correlations.

Key words: OCD, EMS, SCHEMA

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