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An epidemiological study on junk food consumption and nutritional status among adolescents attending Medical College and Hospital, Kolkata

Nirmalya Manna, Shibasish Banerjee, Pratiti Panchanan, Sayantan Das Mazumdar.


Background: This study was conducted to evaluate the pattern of junk food consumption. Junk food is defined as readily available, frequently affordable, and lacking in nutritional value.

Aims and Objectives: This study is aimed to investigate the pattern of junk food eating and its consequences on the nutritional status of the adolescents.

Materials and Methods: This is an institution-based cross-sectional study which was conducted at adolescent clinic from September to November 2022. Data were collected from 178 adolescent. A pre-designed, pre-tested semistructured face and content validated data collection form was used for face-to-face interview. Data were coded and entered in MS Excel software and analyzed by Statistical Packages for Social Science. As all participants were adolescent, body mass index (BMI) was calculated the World Health Organization (WHO) Z score for 5–19 years age chart (both male and female). BMI was calculated and put WHO BMI for age chart and Z score was calculated. Descriptive statistics were used and Chi-square test was used for association and P < 0.05 was taken as statistically significant.

Results: 82.02% had consumed junk food in last 7 days and 10.96% had taken junk food >3 times in last week. Almost 49.32% of study participants consumed junk food with their family (47.95%) and at home (39.3%). 22.47% adolescents were in overweight category. Female participants, adolescents from nuclear family, and consumption of junk food had significant relationship with nutritional status (P < 0.05).

Conclusion: There is an association of overweight and obesity with junk food consumption. More awareness required about the ill effects of junk food on health.

Key words: Junk Food; Adolescent; Body Mass Index; Overweight

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