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SETB. 2014; 48(4): 296-302

The effect of topical applications performed after subcutaneous heparin injection on development of bruise and hematoma

Mehtap Dursun, Reva Balcı Akpınar.


Objective: Bruising and hematoma, which appear after the subcutaneous heparin injection, are local side effects of heparin. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of Vitamin K, adrenaline, and aluminum-potassium-sulphate, which are topically administered on injection area, on development of the bruising and the hematoma caused by the subcutaneous heparin injection.
Material and Method: The study was conducted as single group post-test experimental model with control group. 80 patients, who were receiving subcutaneous heparin treatment, were included in the study. Subcutaneous heparin was injected on abdominal area of the patients once a day; and after the injection, one of Vitamin K, adrenaline or aluminum-potassium-sulphate determined via randomization was topically administered on the area. On the follow-up days, other methods, which had not been applied before, were applied on the same patient after injection. Following one of the injections, the area was supported with only dry cotton and this area was accepted as the control group. While aluminum-potassium-sulphate was directly administered, Vitamin K and adrenaline was administered by impregnating cotton. The measurement of bruising areas, which appear on injection areas, was made in 48 hours after each injection.
Results: Examining demographic characteristics of individuals included in the study; majority was males and the iraverageage was determined as 62.82±11.9.
Comparing the measurements of bruising areas of the control group with methods, applied after injection; it was determined that bruising size of the control group was 1.4±2.8 mm2 on average, bruising size of the adrenalin group was 6.3±4.6 mm2, bruising size of the alum group was 3.2±3.3 mm2, and bruising size of the Vitamin K group was 1.4±2.9 mm2. When the difference among them was compared with the control group, the difference was significant (p

Key words: Adrenaline, aluminum-potassium-sulphate, bruise, nursing, subcutaneous heparin, vitamin K

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