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RMJ. 2014; 39(3): 285-288

Outcome of immediate primary skin closure in type-ii and type-iiia open tibial fractures

Muhammad Usman ul Haq, Faisal Nazeer Hussain, Muhammad Iqbal Mirza.


Objective: To determine outcome of immediate primary skin closure in type II and IIIA open tibial fractures in terms of infection rate.
Methodology: This descriptive study was conducted at Orthopedic Department, Services Hospital, Lahore from November 2009 to August 2010. One hundred patients were recruited in the study.
Results: The mean age was 30.23±15.07 years. Of the 100 patients, there were 20 Type II fractures and 68 type IIIA fractures. 88 had an excellent outcome; males with excellent outcome were 83 and females were 5 with male to female ratio 16.6:1. Four had good outcome and 8 had a poor outcome.
Conclusion: Immediate primary skin closure for Type II and Type IIIA open tibial fractures is safe option, as it avoids infection and many complications.

Key words: Open tibial fractures, primary skin closure, primary wound healing.

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