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Research Article

EEO. 2020; 19(3): 4744-4755

Evaluation Of The Body Composition, Kinematics Of Volleyball Service Of Club And University Players Of Bahawalpur City

Muhammad Adnan Waqas,Sumbal Kaynat,Muhammad Zia ul Haq,Zeeshan Amin,Ghulam Abbas,Muhammad Naveed,Muhammad Ali Abid,Muhammad Bilal Amir.


This study is the assessment of body composition and volleyball service of club and university volleyball players. Fifteen participants were engaged from the club and (n = 15) from the university volleyball team. The selected variables were age, stature, body mass, the angles of upper and lower limbs joints, 30-meter dash, standing broad jump, vertical jump, agility and flexibility. An independent t-test was used for statistical analysis to compare the club and university volleyball players in the selected variables. The results display significant variances in stature, body mass, in joints angle of the knee, ankle, arm, elbow, shoulder, 30-meter dash, standing broad jump, vertical jump, agility and flexibility. It is concluded university volleyball players are significantly superior in the kinematics of volleyball service and inferior body compositions than club players. The university players required more attention to improve their physical abilities. Future research is required to investigate the defensive and attacking abilities of volleyball players.

Key words: Kinematics, body composition, volleyball player, physical fitness

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