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Study of utilization of postnatal care services in tribal area, Maharashtra

Kalpalata A Bhaisare, Gautam M Khakase.

Cited by 12 Articles

Background: The postpartum period, or puerperium, starts about an hour after the delivery of the placenta and includes the following six weeks. Care during the puerperium is often described as the “Cinderella” of maternity care. In developing countries, the need for care and support after birth was, until recently, less well recognized. Despite its importance, this period is generally the most neglected.

Aims & Objectives: To study factors influencing utilization of health services in postnatal period in study area.

Materials and Methods: It is a community based, cross sectional study, carried out in a primary health center of Thane district, Maharashtra. Data was collected by using standard validated questionnaires, based on District level household survey (DLHS) of Reproductive and child health (RCH) Round II, Phase II, 2004 woman’s questionnaire. It was suitably modified to meet objectives of study and was pilot-tested.

Results: 28 study subjects received home visit during postnatal period. Out of 28, 4 received 2 postnatal visits. 16 study subjects went to primary health center or sub center for postnatal check-up. 28 mothers didn’t feel the need for postnatal check-up. 15 women said that they were not informed by ANM about postnatal care, otherwise they would have gone for it.

Conclusion: Working women utilized the postnatal service more. This may be because working women are able to spend for travelling expenses for going to primary health center

Key words: Home Visits; Postnatal Care; Postpartum; Maternal Health; Utilization

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