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Case Report

IJHRS. 2013; 2(4): 230-240

Esthetic Failure following Immediate and Conventional Implant Placement in Anterior Maxillary Region: A Case Report and Literature Overview

Hasan Sarfaraz, Priyanka Premkumar, K Kamalakanth Shenoy.


Implant therapy in the anterior maxilla is challenging for the clinician because of the aesthetic demands of patients and difficult pre-existing anatomy. Careful preoperative treatment planning, augmentation of hard and soft tissues, and attention to the details of implant surgical and prosthetic techniques are areas that must be addressed when treating in the anterior maxilla. Immediate placement in extraction socket has been proposed as one of the conservative and predictable methods to achieve harmonious gingival architecture that also helps in preservation of bone height and soft tissue architecture, and in maintaining the esthetic profile. The aim of this paper is to present case reports of esthetic failures seen in implants placed using immediate and delayed placement protocol and present a review of literature on the possible management of the same.

Key words: Implant, Aesthetic failure, Immediate placement, Early placement, Delayed placement, Bone loss

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