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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(3): 4504-4510

Exploring Recent Applications Of Conducting Polymers

Mr. Rajavarapu Sridhara Reddy, Dr. Sanjay Rathore.


Conductive polymers have been defined by scientists as materials with unusually mixed properties of plastics and metal. Researchers have explored them for a wide variety of uses due to their multifunctional properties, such as easy synthesis, good environmental stability, and useful optical, electrical, and mechanical properties. Since its discovery in 1977, conducting polymers (CPs) have garnered a growing amount of attention as an interesting new class of electronic materials. In comparison to non-conducting polymers, they provide a number of benefits, especially in the areas of electronics and optics. They have also found application in electronic device manufacturing, solar energy conversion, rechargeable battery technology, and sensor technology. In this survey, we will look at the various uses for conducting polymers.

Key words: Conducting polymers, Applications, Sensors, Electronic, Polyacetylene.

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