Water pollution is a huge issue on a global scale and is on the rise because of growing human activity and population, unsustainable farming methods, and quick industrialization. There is an increasing demand for innovative wastewater treatment techniques and there is also the need to establish rigorous operational guidelines in discharging wastewater into the environment. This study examined the application of Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Bacillus subtilis for heavy metal bioremediation in wastewater from Wupa Wastewater Treatment Plant, Abuja, Nigeria. Wastewater samples (Effluent) were collected from WUPA treatment plant, Abuja. The physiochemical parameters which include pH, Temperature, Conductivity, Turbidity, TDS, DO, BOD, COD wastewater was carried out and heavy metal analysis was carried out before and after treatment of the wastewater. The results showed the pH, conductivity BOD, DO and TDS of the wastewatewater;ered significantly (p0.05) with the control and treated water, however the conductivity, BOD5, DO and TDS of the wastewater differs significantly (p
Key words: Bioremidiation
Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Bacillus species