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Social Media Effects on the Academic Performance of Undergraduate Medical Students in KSA

Marwa Ahmed El Naggar, Abdullah N. Alrasheedi, Reema Faisal Almutairi, Lora Btail Alrwaily, Njood khalifa Alruwaili, Ghida Abdullah Alruwaili, Wogood Ghazi Alruwaili, Razan Mufreh Al-Daghmani.


Background and Aims:
A cross-sectional study aims to measure social media’s effects on the academic performance of undergraduate governmental and private medical students in KSA from October 2020 to March 2021.

A total of 1200 students participated in the survey. After data collection, data were analyzed in terms of number and percentage, mean and SD, students’ t-test, and Pearson correlation coefficient test, using the SPSS-21. The data was collected using a questionnaire adapted from Osharive’s (2015) social media and the academic performance of the students’ questionnaire (SMAAPOS).

The sample size was 1670 students. One thousand twenty-one students responded to the questionnaire with a response rate of 72.45%. Students’ GPAs ranged from

Key words: Social Media Usage, Students’ Academic Performance (SAP), Medical students.

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