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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(6): 4629-4637

Effectiveness Of Cognitive Apprenticeship Model Of Teaching On Life Skills Under Selected Categories Of Components – Creative Thinking Among Secondary School Students

Baiju P Raju,Dr. N.L.N. Jayanthi, Dr. Varghese K Cherian.


Cognitive Apprenticeship Model (CAM) of teaching is an instructional design, best suited for mastering the Life skills under the selected categories of components -Creative thinking in content area of study. Education is life skill training. Life skills development is the one of the ultimate objectives of education. In order to achieve this general objective of education it should be imparted through the best suited models of teaching. In the present scenario, the investigator intends to study Cognitive Apprenticeship Model of teaching on enhancing Life skills under the selected categories of components -Creative thinking. For the present study the investigator adopted quasi experimental method and selected two intact classrooms consists of 34 students in Experimental group and 34 students in Control group. Mean, Standard deviation, t test, ANOVA and Analysis of co-variance (ANCOVA) were the statistical techniques used for the study. The study disclosed that Cognitive Apprenticeship Model of teaching enhances Life skills under the selected categories of components -Creative thinking among secondary school students.

Key words: Creative Thinking, Life Skills, Cognitive Apprenticeship Model.

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