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RMJ. 2023; 48(2): 320-323

Instruction program for patient with peptic ulcer about physical and psychological status: a case-control study

Haider Abd AL Ameer Twair AL Hamad, Huda Baker Hassan.


Objective: To determine the effectiveness of instruction program on patients with peptic ulcers about the physical and psychological status.
Methodology: This quasi-experimental study was performed on patients who attended Al-Diwaniya Teaching Hospital from January 17th, 2022, to May 20th, 2023. We used non-probability sampling. The study included 30 patients for the case group and 30 for the control group. The data were collected as follows: first section was socio-demographics consisting of 7 items, section two was medical history consisting of 6 items, section three was unhealthy behaviors which consisted of two items and section four consisted of 12 items about the patient’s physical and psychological status.
Results: There was positive effect of instruction program on patients (case group) regarding physical and psychological status related to peptic ulcer disease due to a change in total mean from 1.19 at pre-test to 2.42 at post-test, while there was no effect on control group.
Conclusion: The study concluded that the instruction program had positive effect on the knowledge of peptic ulcer patients by changes their physical and psychological status among case group.

Key words: Instruction program, peptic ulcer patients, physical and psychological status.

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