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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(6): 4467-4475

Women Rights Violation: A Compendious Picture of Issues Revealed in Margaret Atwood’s The Handmaids Tale

Nafees ul Qadir, Dr.Vinay Kumar Jain.


Margaret Atwood being an analyst of human mind has successfully portrayed the crises prevailing in the society that has reached a critical phase. A radical change of status in an individual’s life, Atwood put forth the real picture of women coercively being threatened and oppressed in the male dominated society and how they stand against it, is lucidly manifested through her female protagonists. Her writings express her concern with the issues of international relevance like human rights violation including women rights to life and liberty, equality, freedom of thought and expression and the threats to the environment as well. This paper deals with the specific aspect in Atwood’s work in relation to the aforementioned critical approach, which brings out the legal, economic, social and political conditions of women. A thorough reading of the novel is done in order to detect and dissect the main instance of humans who do acts of victimization. It tries to use lucid language to convey the fragmented texture of female mind as a result of domination. Special attention is paid to female characters, hyper sexualized and victimized in the patriarchal microcosms rendered in the story. The present research therefore paper aims to deal with the objectification and hidden subjugated world of women under the transgressive patriarchal dominance and the various cultural setups in a male-centric world.

Key words: Dystopia, Human rights, sexism, patriarchy, Gilead theocracy.

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