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Case Report

A-JMRHS . 2023; 1(3): 66-70

Hydatid cysts of liver with secondary peritoneal hydatidosis- a case report

Swetha Reddy Masani, Laxmi Priyadarshini Kontham, Ramya Krishna Kudaravalli.


secondary peritoneal hydatidosis constitutes about 10-16% cases of hydatid disease and occurs secondary to rupture of hepatic hydatid cysts which can be spontaneous or due to traumatic rupture.Imaging plays an important role in diagnosing secondary peritoneal hydatidosis as most of the cases are asymptomatic and present later due to mass effect
characteristic imaging findings like presence of daughter cysts ,membranes ,hydatid sand and presence of multiloculated cysts helps in diagnosing hydatid cysts.Although liver and lung are most common organs affected by hydatid disease ,disseminated hydatidosis is also seen
of which primary peritoneal hydatidosis is rare constituting only 2% of cases

Key words: Hydatid, hepatic hydatid cyst, secondary peritoneal hydatidosis,imaging

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