The Science being blessings is an unavoidable phenomenon which is indeed a need of the
day, however, some people make it as a source of curse and mischief for humanity as well as
Keeping in view, Sex-Reassignment surgery may be a scientific achievement and a mean of
gaining some materialistic benefits, nonetheless, it inherits certain evils both from social and
religious point of view. Furthermore, there is need to argue whether or not everyone may be
allowed to get their sex reassigned as per their whims. Similarly, what would be the status
of intersex? Whether they be allowed to get their sex determined through sex-change
operation or not? What would be physical, psychological, social and religious impacts of sexreassignment? This research work has been taken into account to find out answers to these
and some other related questions. The study shows that sex-reassignment is not only
unlawful and impermissible for normal people as per Islamic Shariah but also inherits
3726 | Abdul Naseer
The Perspective Of Shariah
An Analytical Study Of Sex-Reassignment From
certain physical, psychological, moral and social ills. Furthermore, it reveals that the same is
allowed for intersex in order to determine their sex as per their dominant sex organ. This
paper is hoped to be helpful regarding modern trends in medical science with reference to
Islamic Shariah as well as legal perspectives.
Key words: Sex-Reassignment, Gender-Reassignment, Intersex, Hermaphrodite, SexCha